Like the quest for the ever-elusive Fountain of Youth, entrepreneurs have been desperately seeking out the secret to work-life balance. It’s seemingly unattainable discovery dangles just out of reach, caught between responsibilities and desire. Locked in a constant struggle between family and work, the idea of balance, of stability, of peace is the ideal. Someone, somewhere must have the secret. I think I’ve found it.
How to Earn a Blog Reader
Married, 40s female professional seeking long-term relationship with like-minded entrepreneur. Must have a sense of humor, a coffee addiction, and a yearning for success. Daily visits and messages are ideal. Must enjoy learning, trying new things, and a good story. Tattoos in undisclosed locations are fine. (Disclosing the locations is probably not.) To begin a fulfilling relationship, hit the subscribe button and I’ll contact you weekly. xoxo, Brandi
Not many of us put out a wanted ad for our ideal readers, but maybe we should. After all, our readers are auditioning us for a spot in their lives and we’re working hard to earn it. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to tell them who we’d be good for? Wouldn’t it be wise to tell them who we really are?
7 Free and Low-Cost Stock Photography Sites for Bloggers
I am not a professional photographer. In fact, I only take pictures with my phone, because the little point and shoot camera I have has been missing its charging cord for about eight years now. So, when it comes to populating my blog posts with photos, finding ones that are attractive and inexpensive is key. I do take some of my own photos and have a collection of props, but for the most part, I outsource my images. Questions come in all of the time asking where bloggers can find photos, so here’s a list of some of the places I use to get pictures.
Are Your Hashtags Hanging Out? How to Hide Hashtags on Instagram
Presentation is everything and, when it comes to a list of hashtags in the main comment of a post, there’s a whole lot of unattractive going on there. You may have seen people put them as the first comment instead of in the bulk of the caption, but that’s not much better. Instead of letting your hashtags hang out, hide them behind a simple set of keystrokes and dots. Here’s how to do it on an iPhone!
48 Blogging Topics for Any Niche
If you’ve found this article through search, chances are that you’re knee deep in the panic stages of wondering what to write about on your site. It’s a place we’ve all called our temporary home at least one time in our blogging careers. You, my friend, are not alone. So, what’s the solution for getting out of here and mustering up your writing mojo? It’s just all about getting ideas.
Connect with Your Audience: Do You
2017 has quickly become a year of introspection and God-whispers. God-whispers are the quiet nudges you get in the form of an idea or message. Sometimes they make sense immediately and I act upon them right away. Other times? Well, other times I sit on the bench for awhile watching life tick by. This year it’s been impossible to sit on the sidelines. And the message is always clear – just do you.
How to Hide a Pinterest Image in a Post
I’ve been blogging and freelance writing for about 12 years now, but it wasn’t until last year that I learned the trick that changed my posts forever. I learned how to hide one of those gigantic Pinterest images in the post, so that it’s still available for pinning, but doesn’t look out of place on my blog. Now, I know there’s a bit of debate over whether or not images should be hidden, so the best advice I can give you is to just do you. If you want to hide them, hide them. If you don’t want to hide them, don’t. Want to mix it up and only hide them on some posts like I do? Go for it.
Keeping Track of Your Stats? You Should Be!
Are you keeping track of your growth across your social media channels? How about the number of subscribers on your email list? When was the last time you checked your pageviews or unique visits on your blog? Friends, if you don’t know where you’re starting from, you’re going to have a hard time gauging success and measuring outcomes. You need to take control of your stats starting today.